Daniela Malott, Project Engineer at TAIT’s Santa Ana office, has been working with Viviana Sanchez to put together the TAIT Mentorship Program. This is a new program that will be rolled out for the Engineering Department to support career building.
The idea behind it is that it supports inclusion and involvement of all team members while creating a team oriented culture. This program will support the paring of junior staff (mentees) with experienced staff (mentors). It will provide employees with an opportunity to cultivate a professional relationship in which career growth and guidance is encouraged for both the mentor and the mentee. Daniela is another one of our outstanding associates earning this spotlight to showcase some fun facts about her background and personality:
- How long have you worked at TAIT & Associates? 5 years.
- What drew you to TAIT during your job search? I was very attracted to TAIT because they are a family owned company with big company expertise. I was excited to join a company that was medium size and in which every single person counts and is vital to the team. I was also really excited to join a company that invests in their employees and that thrives at retaining and having happy employees.
- What do you love most about your job? I love my team, it is exciting to come to work every day and have such a great group of people supporting you in all possible ways. I love that we can have fun and at the same time work hard on our projects. I really enjoy the variety of work that we do and the challenges that we take together, and how we work as a team to overcome these. It is fun to be a part of a company in which your voice is heard.
- Did you play with Legos as a kid? Yes, I absolutely loved them. I was always into building.
- What was your first car? The cutest Renault Clio, which was my dream car as I was growing up and I loved it so much I cried when we sold it.
- Coffee or tea? I love both. It depends on the time of the day, coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.
- Favorite place to travel? Any Caribbean beach front city. I absolutely love just hanging by the pool or the beach and just enjoying the view while completely relaxing.
- What is one piece of advice you would give someone looking for a career at TAIT? To be eager and creative. I think that TAIT is a great place to work and you can really build your career at TAIT. As long as you put in the time and the effort, there is a team willing to listen, open to new ideas and willing to support you.